ETD-100 Elapsed Time Display

The ETD-100 is a 0.8"H LED display timer that can be used to time various situations and events such as talent, speakers, presentations, experiments, etc. The LED display has a brightness control and the 0.8" characters are large enough to be read across a room.

The ETD-100 is a 0.8"H LED display timer that can be used to time various situations and events such as talent, speakers, presentations, experiments, etc. The LED display has a brightness control and the 0.8" characters are large enough to be read across a room.

  • Counts up or down.
  • Outputs a "GPI" signal when the count reaches zero.
  • Actuated via simple local or remote switch closure inputs to initiate up counting sequence of reset, count-up, stop, and down counting sequence of preset, count-down, stop.
  • Local and remote setup of the preset time is also available and all counter setup information is retained in EEPROM non-volatile memory that does not require use of a battery.
  • Display of tenths and hundredths of a second can be turned ON/OFF.
  • Brightness control permits adjusting display intensity for indoor use in a darkened room or outdoor use in bright light.
  • Operates from 9 volts DC. Supplied with an AC adapter or can operate from a single 9V battery.
  • Rugged anodized aluminum desktop sized enclosure measures 1.5"H x 8.5"W x 3.25"D, and can be  rack or wall mounted by using an appropriate adapter kit.